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Training Exercises For Women


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1. Front Squat + Overhead Shoulder Press
2. Alternating Reverse Lunge + Bicep Curl
3. Sumo Squat + Upright Row
4. What are the benefits of weight training for women?
5. What is the importance of strength training for women specifically?

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Front Squat + Overhead Shoulder Press

Legs, shoulders and core! Squats are great for building glute strength, the foundation of your lower body and muscles you use daily as you sit down and stand up legs, butt, thighs, hamstrings and quad. Add an overhead shoulder press to build upper body strength; strengthening the rotator cuff muscles and anterior deltoid. An effective total body exercise.

Alternating Reverse Lunge + Bicep Curl

Reverse lunges are a great unilateral leg exercise targeting the power generating muscles in the lower body quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. Add a bicep curl to strengthen both heads of the upper arm (the bicep muscles)

Sumo Squat + Upright Row

Sumo squats work the glutes, quadriceps and inner thighs (or adductors). Upright rows work the upper trapezius, deltoids and biceps. Pair sumo squats with dumbbell upright rows and you have a compound exercise that builds muscle in both the lower body and the upper body.

What are the benefits of weight training for women?

Reduce risk of fitness plateaus. Strength training never plateaus as you are always striving to increase weights as you get stronger.
Weight loss and fat loss. As lean muscle increases, so does resting metabolism. In other words, muscle burns fat. The more muscle you have the more calories you burn.
Increased strength (without getting ‘bulky’). Women getting ‘bulky’ from strength training is a fitness myth. Lifting weights will NOT make you bulky just stronger!

What is the importance of strength training for women specifically?

Strength training is truly for everyone, but especially important for women! I’m an advocate for strength training exercises for many reasons, but two of the main reasons include: Weight training helps women see the ‘toned’ results they’re striving for. Building muscle through weight training is important to moving through everyday activities and injury prevention. This is even more important as we age. A statistic that absolutely blew me away — we start losing muscle mass at AGE 30 and Women in particular are prone to neglecting strength training. 토토사이트 This impacts their daily lives and can impact them long term. 80% of Americans diagnosed with osteoporosis are women, and strength training is one of the ways we know we can increase bone density